Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Once upon a time I went shoe shopping with friends. The next thing I know... I'm adopting not one, but TWO kittens! After an unsuccessful trip to DSW we decided to walk down to a restaurant for lunch. Of course, Petsmart is on the way and out front they have a sign saying Cat and Kitten Adoption Day! So as we all walk in, I tell my two friends, 'Don't let me get a cat!'.... they failed.

Meet Batman.

And Duke. 

They are pretty awesome kittens :)

Friday, September 27, 2013


I'm not even ashamed by how much I laughed at this. The last one is the best.

That poor little girl.

Boys are disgusting...

After we got married I moved in to the townhouse Matt and his twin brother were living in. We plan on eventually buying it, but for now having a roommate really helps with the rent.  

Here are some things I've learned since moving in...
1. Boys are generally gross in some way, even if they appear to be somewhat clean.
2. They have no appreciation for expiration dates and believe that they will one day get to those leftovers.

I mean... EwwWWwww

In other news, there has been a pumpkin explosion in the King household. They are everywhere.. and I love it.

Pics to come :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Painting with Talent Juice

Tonight the girls and I went to a wine and art night. It was such a blast. You get unlimited wine and are walked through step by step how to paint a canvas. I am no artist but I am a drinker :)

A little talent juice later and we were done!

I think I should stick to crayons and coloring books...

Sunday, September 22, 2013

After many months I am finally back to the blogging. Post wedding and finally able to do something not involving glitter, mod podge, or ribbons, I can get back to sharing the random details, recipes or ideas that come to mind.

Here are some pictures our photographer shared. We haven't received all of them yet but we can't wait!!!

If you want to know where we got something, who a  vendor was, or if you have any questions let me know!

Romona Keveza 170

It was about time he got a nice watch.

I loved having the different colors and not being too matchy matchy.
What you don't see is the fear in my eyes when the zipper was stuck. Yikes moment!

First Tiffany's box! It was about time :)

Unfortunately, no. She is not available for rent. People have been asking.

I'm pretty sure this moment is what these stairs were built for.

What handsome gents they are!

Calla lilies, roses, and hydrangea. 

Pacifica Gold Damask with gold shivari chairs. 
White hydrangea, snapdragons, and roses. 
Gold chargers from Michaels, $2.00 each I think.
The table numbers were actually photo albums. Each table also had a city that we have backpacked to. Pictures from the trip were inside along with a note asking where we should travel to next. We got some great answers haha.
BOOM! Pumpkin cake with cinnamon cream cheese icing and caramel on the inside. It was the 

JMU Road Dawg... He visits JMU alumni's weddings. 

Love is Sweet so Have a treat!

Pictures of our parents and grand parents' weddings and a scrapbook I made of our backpacking trip.

Glitter, wood letters from michaels... and wayyy too much glue haha. It was a messy project.
Snap dragons in the vases really added something.
Birdcage card holder was super easy to make!
I liked the idea of having a guest book that could always be displayed. I love monograms, so this was perfect!
Being introduced for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Matthew King!

After a minute of dancing we cut from Tim McGraw's My Little Girl to the NFL theme song. We broke away and he threw my a touchdown pass. I spiked it and did a few TD celebrations. It was awesome!
Matt and his mom did 3 different Beatle's songs. It was great!
The toasts from my sister and Matt's brother. Both were funny and sweet. 
This flower girl knows how to get down.

Volleyball teammates.

High School Friends

JMU exit. 

We're married!